2. Rotate the Broad Field lens into position 3. Remove the slide and return it to the slide tray 4. Turn the light off with the On/Off switch 5. Unplug the microscope and wrap the cord properly around the scope 6. Put the microscope away in the cabinet...
BIO351 – Module 2 Quiz 2.5 5個詞語 dvnwright 預覽 Embryology StudyNotes Chapter 15: Development of the Body Cavities 22個詞語 joeyrobert2780 預覽 Biology Midterm 3 60個詞語 seellmaacx 預覽 Biology Cell Transport 18個詞語 ava_johnson4118 預覽 AP Biology Unit 4 Key Terms 56個詞語 thetiger80...
Parts of Atomic Force Microscope Atomic Force Microscopes have several techniques for measuring force interactions such as van der Waals, thermal, electrical and magnetic force interactions for these interactions done by the AFM, it has the following parts that assist in controlling its functions. Modi...
Practice your knowledge of the microscope with this simple quiz. Label the image of the microscope.