I would like to introduce a series ofMicroPython Tutorials for ESP32 The series includes from the getting started with ESP32 and MircoPython, blinking LED, reading button, controlling relay, LCD display, OLED display, controlling servo motor, DC motor and so on... The below are some tutorial...
I would like to introduce a series of MicroPython Tutorials for ESP32 The series includes from the getting started with ESP32 and MircoPython, blinking LED, reading button, controlling relay, LCD display, OLED display, controlling servo motor, DC motor and so on... The below are some tutori...
I would like to introduce a series of MicroPython Tutorials for ESP32 The series includes from the getting started with ESP32 and MircoPython, blinking LED, reading button, controlling relay, LCD display, OLED display, controlling servo motor, DC motor and so on... The below are some tutori...
ESP32 CAM – Pinout https://www.studiopieters.nl/esp32-cam-pinout/ 其他参考资料# Getting Started with Thonny MicroPython (Python) IDE for ESP32 and ESP8266 https://randomnerdtutorials.com/getting-started-thonny-micropython-python-ide-esp32-esp8266/ MicroPython: ESP32/ESP8266 Relay Module Web ...
MicroPython is supported on many different microcontroller platforms, andmore are being addedall the time. The ESP32 is a great tool for learning MicroPython, as it has a powerful controller (240 MHz) with lots of RAM (520 kB). Additionally, the ESP32 has a bui...
More MicroPython tutorials: MicroPython ESP32/ESP8266: Send Sensor Readings via Email (IFTTT) ESP32/ESP8266 MicroPython Web Server – Control Outputs MicroPython: DHT11/DHT22 Web Server with ESP32/ESP8266 MicroPython: Timers with ESP32 and ESP8266 ...
https://randomnerdtutorials.com/install-upycraft-ide-windows-pc-instructions/ 下载完毕后是exe文件,双击运行即可,不需要安装 运行界面如下: 首先选择esp32的com端口: 而后选择board类型: 而后编写程序运行程序。此处可以使用右边的菜单栏快速进行新建程序、保存程序、运行程序等等。
You can see instructions on how to use this library in the following tutorials: ESP32 LCD 16x2 with MicroPython ESP32 LCD 20x4 with MicroPython The source code for the library can be found onGitHub The below is some showcase of library usage ...
telegram-upy - Telegram API wrapper for MicroPython. micropython-thingspeak - Library for sending data to thingspeak.com from IoT devices running MicroPython (such as ESP8266). micropython_pushbullet - Simple example of how to use PushBullet with MicroPython on ESP8266. esp32-youtube-display - Di...