The micropolitics of desire is here reproduced to provide a Nietzscheo-Marxian critique of capitalism and resistive politics of the future. This entails an entirely different understanding of the nature of power and resistance, as compared to prevalent views. Power is not negative or anti-energy,...
desireGuattarimicropoliticspowerThis article examines power as a concept that operates covertly and panoptically in schools. My goal in discussing stealth forms of power is to discuss methodological opportunities that result when formalizing power other than as a binary of authority–influence. The ...
. Between individualism and socialism: Deleuze's micropolitics of desire. Retrieved March 6, 2008, from, J. A. 2008. Between individualism and socialism: Deleuze's micropolitics of desire [Online]. Available: http://www2....
negative aspects of these two films; whereas Deleuze's literary aesthetics of minor literature offers me a subtle perspective on Ang Lee's extraordinary achievement in creating a minoritarian artistic work that exposes the complexity of human psyche/desire, which constitutes the second part of this ...