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Last update 5 September 2023 The sessile nature of plants restricts them to evade stress factors merely by transferring to a favorable site. Hence, plants are continually exposed to numerous environmental stress factors. These abiotic and biotic stress factors may reduce plant growth and production. ...
Steinigeweg C, Alkassab AT, Erler S, Beims H, Wirtz IP, Richter D, Pistorius J (2023) Impact of a microbial pest control product containing Bacillus thuringiensis on brood development and gut microbiota of Apis mellifera worker honey bees. Microb Ecol 85:1300–1307. https://doi.org/10.10...
Paavonen J, Eggert-Kruse W (1999)Chlamydiatrachomatis: impact on human reproduction. Hum Reprod Update 5(5):433–447 ArticleCASPubMedGoogle Scholar Pant S, Bhati T, Dimri A, Arora R, Siraj F, Raisuddin S, Rastogi S (2023) Chlamydia trachomatis infection regulates the expression of tetraspa...
(2023) used the shotgun metagenomic approach to determine the microbial functional and composition variations of the microbiome within high-risk and low-risk cohorts of GC [56]. They claimed that it was possible to identify specific intratumoral microorganisms associated with GC by taking advantage ...
Microbiological Research Supports open access • Open archive 10.9CiteScore 6.1Impact Factor Articles & Issues About Publish Order journalSubmit your articleGuide for authors Special issue Plant Growth Promoting Microorganisms: new insights and the way forward Last update 10 October 2024 The constant gro...
Article Open access 20 April 2023 References Tognotti E. Lessons from the History of Quarantine, from Plague to Influenza A. Emerging Infectious Dis J. 2013;19:254. Article Google Scholar Best M, Neuhauser D. Ignaz Semmelweis and the birth of infection control. Qual Saf Health Care. 2004...
Kruasuwan W, Lohmaneeratana K, Munnoch JT et al (2023) Transcriptome landscapes of salt-susceptible rice cultivar IR29 associated with a plant growth promoting endophytic streptomyces. Rice 16:6. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12284-023-00622-7 Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Kum...
2023, Microorganisms High Cell Density Culture of Dairy Propionibacterium sp. and Acidipropionibacterium sp.: A Review for Food Industry Applications 2022, Food and Bioprocess Technology Functional characterization and immunomodulatory properties of Lactobacillus helveticus strains isolated from Italian hard chees...