30 多年來,歷經數兆英里的考驗,美光一直致力於為汽車產業帶來高效能的記憶體和儲存裝置技術。 深入瞭解 行動裝置 為行動裝置打造的記憶體和儲存裝置加速了 AI 驅動技術的發展,為終端使用者帶來可預測和富有洞察力的全新體驗。 深入瞭解 設計工具 滿足您設計需求的工具和資源唯一來源,讓美光產品和解決方案發揮最大效...
台灣技術研發部門 (Technology Development Taiwan; TDT) 了解詳情 極紫外光微影部門 (Extreme Ultraviolet; EUV) 了解詳情 先進技術轉移部門 (Advanced Development Technology Taiwan; ADTT) 了解詳情 中央產品整合工程部門 (Central Product Integration Engineering; CPIE) 了解詳情 先進封裝技術研發發展部門 (Adva...
Micron Technology | July 2022美光在台灣擁有超過 10,000 名團隊成員,多年來創造多項「第一」── 例如全球第一個 1α(1-alpha)DRAM 製程節點量產。台灣團隊近期創造另一項「第一」:現任台灣總統參訪美光。7 月 7 日,台灣總統蔡英文及其團隊參訪美光位於台中的廠區,瞭解美光的營運狀況,並會見美光團隊成員。
TAIPEI, Taiwan, June 04, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Computex -- Micron Technology, Inc. (Nasdaq: MU), today announced the sampling of its next-generation GDDR7 graphics memory with the industry’s highest bit density.1 Leveraging Micron’s 1β (1-beta) DRAM technology and innov...
MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC prohibits harassment of employees and applicants because they are individuals with disabilities or protected veterans. MICRON TECHNOLOGY, INC also prohibits retaliation against employees and applicants for filing a complaint, opposing any discriminatory act or practice, assisting or par...
Micron presents its new logo, symbolizing its 46-year leadership in technology, products, manufacturing, and markets. This design reflects Micron’s forward-thinking approach, ahead-of-the-curve innovation, and rapid execution. The silicon-inspired logo highlights our tech leadership and commitment to...
As the leader in innovative memory solutions, Micron is helping the world make sense of data by delivering technology that is transforming how the world uses information to enrich life for all. Who we are The world is moving to a new economic model, where data is driving value creation in...
每一天,我們人員提出的創新推動了資料經濟、人工智慧和5G應用程式的進步,激發各種機會──從資料中心到智慧邊緣以及客戶端和行動裝置使用者體驗。欲進一步瞭解Micron Technology, Inc.(Nasdaq: MU),請瀏覽micron.com。 美光基金會自1999年創立以來,已透過慈善活動捐獻逾1.9億美元,回饋至美光所在的社區中。透過基金會與...
公司名称美光科技公司英文名称Micron Technology, Inc.注册地美国 成立日期1978-10-05总股数1087168584所属行业半导体产品 董事长-员工总数48000电子邮箱investorrelations@micron.com 主要电话1-208-3684000主要传真+1(208)368-4435公司网站www.micron.com 注册地详细地址美国特拉华州 ...
UMC is headquartered in Hsinchu, Taiwan, plus local offices in United States, Europe, China, Japan, Korea & Singapore, with worldwide total 19,500 employees. For more information, please visit: https://www.umc.com. © 2021 Micron Technology, Inc. 保留所有權利。資訊、產品和/或規格若有...