Microelectronic Circuits 6Th Edition Sedra Smith英文原版微电子技术电路教程教科书电子书电子版下载_16 下载积分: 2400 内容提示: A.1 IC Fabrication StepsA-3certain colors to be reflected. The wavelengths of the reflected light depend on the thicknessof the oxide layer. In fact, by categorizing the ...
Microelectronic Circuits, 6th edition_部分2 下载积分: 1000 内容提示: 416 Chapter 6 Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJTs)tv iv i(a)?0.8 V?0.8 Vˆ0i B (mA)(b)i b0.030.020.01? 0.023 mAi B? 0.008 mAˆ0i bI Btt(c)v be0.7 Vv BEV BE0v be ? 8.6 mV ˆ v BEi C (mA)(d)i ...
CHAPTER 1 0PRO B LE M S902Chapter 10Feedback(a) If has a zero dc component, find the dc collector cur-rent of the BJT. Assume the transistor (b) Find the small-signal equivalent circuit of the amplifierwith the signal source represented by its Norton equivalent(as we usually do when ...
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