AP微观经济模拟题题与解析2- AP Microeconomics, 2014-2015 McGraw.pdf,AP Microeconomics Practice Exam 2 ‹ 187 AP Microeconomics Practice Exam 2 Section I: Multiple-Choice Questions ANSWER SHEET 1 A B C D E 21 A B C D E 41 A B C D E 2 A B C D E 22 A B C D
Microeconomics Test ( Mid-Term—Nov. 2009) SECTION A:Multiple choice questions. Students should attempt to find the best answer for each question. Each question is worth two mark (2). 1.The basic economic problem ofscarcityand the need to makechoicesarise because a.when prices rise it is ...
1、Section 1: Multiple Choice多选,60题,1hr 10mins 占比66% Questions require the use of economics content knowledge and reasoning across the range of course topics and skills. You’ll be asked to: 需要运用到经济学的内容知识和推理的范围内的课程主题和技能 Define economic principles and models定...
Sample Questions for Microeconomics sampleMultiple-Choice Questions The following are examples of the kinds of multiple-choice questions found on the exam . The distribution of topics and the levels of difficulty approximate the composition of the exam as a whole . Multiple-choice scores are based ...
AP微观经济学考试包括两部分,单选题(Multiple Choice Questions)和简答题(Free Response Questions)。 第一部分是单选题,要求考生回答60道题目,每道题目从5个备选答案中选择一个最佳答案。这部分占总分的2/3。考试时间为70分钟,平均每道题目的答题时间只有1分钟左右。
SectionNumberofQuestionsTimeLimit I.Multiple-ChoiceQuestions601hourand10minutes II.Free-ResponseQuestions3Planningtime:10minutes Writingtime:50minutes APMICROECONOMICS SectionNumberofQuestionsTimeLimit I.Multiple-ChoiceQuestions601hourand10minutes II.Free-ResponseQuestions3Planningtime:10minutes ...
Section I: Multiple-Choice The following are examples of the kinds of multiple-choice questions found on the exam. 1. Individuals and societies must make choices regarding which goods and services will be produced and consumed because (A) unlimited wants can only be satisfied by allocating ...
The AP Microeconomics Exam includes two sections. The first section contains 60 multiple-choice questions. The second section is the free-response section, which includes one long question and two short questions. Below is a detailed breakdown of both the multiple choice and free-response sections....
multiple-choicequestions 1.,whenthestatutoryreserverateis20%,thecommercialbanks initiallyabsorb10000yuanofdeposits,thetotalamountof moneythatthebankingsystemcancreateis(C). A.2000yuanB.8000yuan C.50000yuanD.100000yuan 2.,thecapitalmarketis(C). A.marketsformoneytrading,B.marketsforshorttermcredit ...
1.The test lasts for 1½ hours. Maximum marks = 40.2.The test consists of two parts. You must answer ALL questions in both parts.(i).Part A Multiple Choice: 20 questions (1 mark each). Answer on the sheet provided.(ii).Part B Problems: 2 problems (10 marks each). ...