After more than 200 years of development, microeconomics has become a social science with complete system, strict logic and many branches. Microeconomics studies the behavior of single economic subject and its interaction in market economy, explains how the market mechanism allocates resources and the...
The second part needs a slightly more comprehensive knowledge of microeconomics. The third part of the book gives an explanation of Walrasian equilibrium, Pareto efficiency, social welfare and market failure. Besides these, some current issues such as game theory, the Cournot model, the Lemon ...
As explained below, a small part of your grade will be based on your class participation (via the iClicker), and the vast majority of exam questions will be based on material that we discuss in class. To encourage student engagement, we will be using iClickers regularly. Students will be...
A.M. Kelly, New York Schumpeter J (1950) Capitalism, socialism, and democracy, 3rd edn. Harper and Row, New York Takii K (2009) Entrepreneurial competition and its impact on the aggregate economy. J Econ 97: 1–18 CrossRef Tobin J (1958) Liquidity preference as behavior toward risk...
当当网图书频道在线销售正版《【预订】The Fundamentals of Social Science: Focus on Macroeconomics and Microeconomics》,作者:,出版社:Webster's Digital Services。最新《【预订】The Fundamentals of Social Science: Focus on Macroeconomics and Microeconomics
individual self-interest leads to good outcomes for the group as a whole, as expressed in the metaphor of the Invisible Hand. But sometimes individual self-interest leads to bad outcomes for the group as a whole, as in the case of traffic congestion or other instances of the Tragedy of the...
5、 is not intersected with the output curve, then the output of the production curve should be ().A. Increased inputB. keep the original input unchangedC. Reduce inputD. None of the above is correct.Full mark: 26. The following statement is correct ().A. As long as the marginal cos...
many facets of life in business, politics as well as personal decision making. Second, we are building a foundation for those of you who choose to go on in economics to better integrate economics with the more technical tools you will be developing in the next two courses. And third, as ...
1.1Thetragedyofthefishers 1.2Pureconflictandpurecommoninterestgames 1.3Aspectsofsocialinteractions 1.4Plantinglateisriskdominant 2.1Someprocessesunderlyingtheevolutionofbehaviors 2.2Spontaneoussegregationinaresidentialcommunity 2.3Frequency-dependentpayoffsintheHawkDovegame. 3.1Asituation-dependentvaluefunction 3.2Ataxonomyof...
This course is suitable both for economics and non-economics majors as gives an overview of economics as a social science for those wishing to learn the basics of economics while pursuing other undergraduate majors, however at the same time, the course provides a solid grounding in microeconomics...