Question 2 (6 points) Continue to consider Prim from the previous question. Suppose that Prim finds honeysuckles and pond lilies to be perfect complements. She needs four pond lilies and one honeysuckle to make one plant-based dessert, and more desserts are always better. Therefore, one valid ...
AP Microeconomics Multiple Choice: Choose the best answer to each question. an equal amount. The honor code applies to this test. Each question is worth The figure below depicts a production function for a firm that produces cookies. Use the figure to answer question 1. 1. As the number ...
Æ AP Microeconomics 2002 Free-Response Questions The materials included in these files are intended for use by AP teachers for course and exam preparation in the classroom; permission for any other use must be Æ sought from the Advanced Placement Program . Teachers may reproduce them, in wh...
Answer the question in Part A, and ONE question from Part B.I and ONE question from Part B.II. This assessment accounts for 60 per cent of the marks for the course. Each question carries an equal percentage of the total mark. In cases where a student answers more questions than requeste...
® 2006 AP MICROECONOMICS FREE-RESPONSE QUESTIONS MICROECONOMICS Section II Planning time—10 minutes Writing time—50 minutes Directions: You have 50 minutes to answer all three of the following questions. It is suggested that you spend approximately half your time on the first question and ...
Make sure to include all the information needed to answer the question. Please direct questions about technical support or the website to customer support. Drop photo or image here to upload or select file Get Answer By submitting, I am agreeing to the Terms of Use and Honor ...
Students should attempt to find the best answer for each question. Each question is worth two mark (2). 1.The basic economic problem ofscarcityand the need to makechoicesarise because a.when prices rise it is more difficult for consumers to satisfy all their wants. b.human wants are ...
Answer on the sheet provided.(ii).Part B Problems: 2 problems (10 marks each). Answer in the booklet provided.3.Put your name, SID, and stream on the multiple choice answer sheet, and the exam booklet. Failure to comply may result in a mark of zero.4.This is a closed book...
AP微观经济学 教学大纲1 Microeconomics_Syllabus_1 1AP ® Microeconomics Syllabus 1 Objectives: Students will be able to Demonstrate economic questioning and analysis skills.• [C1]Interpret a variety of graphical models • [C6] and paraphrase economic concepts. Analyze the development of modern...
You will then have 50 minutes to answer all three of the following questions. It is suggested that you spend approximately half your time on the first question and divide the remaining time equally between the next two questions. In answering the questions, you should emphasize the line of ...