Microdot 是一个最小的 Python Web 框架,适用于微控制器等小型设备。 Microdot 框架是一个受 Flask 启发的简约 Python Web 框架。它设计为在资源有限的系统(例如微控制器)上运行。Microdot 在标准 Python 和 MicroPython 上运行。 from microdotimportMicrodot app = Microdot() @app.route('/') def index(reque...
Microdot作为一个面向资源受限系统的极简Python Web框架,展现了其在物联网、嵌入式系统和教育等领域的优越应用潜力。通过上述介绍,读者可以更加全面地了解Microdot的特点和基本使用方法,并对其未来发展有所展望。希望Microdot在未来能够不断壮大,为Python开发者提供更多选择,为嵌入式系统和物联网领域带来更多可能性。 项目...
“The impossibly small web framework for Python and MicroPython” Microdot is a minimalistic Python web framework inspired by Flask. Given its small size, it can run on systems with limited resources such as microcontrollers. Both standard Python (CPython) and MicroPython are supported. from microd...
Python exception class to handle.Examples::@app.errorhandler(404) def not_found(request): return 'Not found'@app.errorhandler(RuntimeError) def runtime_error(request, exception): return 'Runtime error' """ def decorated(f): self.error_handlers[status_code_or_exception_class] = f ...
20.6mm * 34.7mm封装 M2.5模Kong 小精灵装在自制的箱子里! 包含在此存储库中: (一站式包含所有文档和工具) Arduino库源代码 软件说明文件 硬件数据表 精灵图标生成器 Raspberry Pi Python驱动程序 PCB Gerbers 软件说明文件 Pixie库的文档可在Arduino的/ examples目录中以及以下站点中找到: 我们也点...
wake.py- a python script which is the custom (touch) wake engine for theMicroDot alexa_autostart.sh- a script to run everything. Right click properties on this, and selectexecute: anyoneon the permissions tab. You will need python installed to run the wake engine. You will also need the...