使用microDecon需要准备:ASV丰度表。以下使用microDecon官方数据进行演示: # 加载microDecon包library(microDecon) # ASV丰度表格式要求## 第一列为ASV ID## 第二列为负对照## 负对照后一列为样本## 如有分类信息则最后一列必须为分类信息Example_1## OTU_ID Blank1 Blank2 Blank3 Ind1 Ind2 Ind3 taxa##...
Extant research has shown that racial discrimination and microaggressions can have negative effects on anxiety and depression among Asian Americans. However, not much has been published regarding how to process and integrate experiences of racism into culturally attuned behavior therapy specifically for ...
使用microDecon需要准备:ASV丰度表。以下使用microDecon官方数据进行演示: # 加载microDecon包library(microDecon) # ASV丰度表格式要求## 第一列为ASV ID## 第二列为负对照## 负对照后一列为样本## 如有分类信息则最后一列必须为分类信息Example_1## OTU_ID Blank1 Blank2 Blank3 Ind1 Ind2 Ind3 taxa##...