Microcontact PrintingSeries, Learning Activity
1) Microcontact printing 微接触印刷术 1. Microcontact printing(μCP) is a newly developed technology on microfabrication. 微接触印刷术是一种纳米器件制备的新方法 ,能在金、银、硅片、陶瓷等基材表面印刷出纳米 -微米量级的精细结构 ,印制导电高分子微电路 ,以及制作三维结构微制品。
最近看到有关表面功能化的文献,其中有这个短语microcontact printing (μCP)应该怎么翻译啊,好像是一个...
1.Microcontact printing (μCP) is a newly developed technology on microfabrication.微接触印刷术是一种纳米器件制备的新方法 ,能在金、银、硅片、陶瓷等基材表面印刷出纳米 -微米量级的精细结构 ,印制导电高分子微电路 ,以及制作三维结构微制品。 2.A new technology on micro or nano fabrication——microcon...
最近看到有关表面功能化的文献,其中有这个短语microcontact printing (μCP)应该怎么翻译啊,好像是一个...
Microcontact printing is a technique used in neuroscience that allows for the patterning of surfaces into regions with different molecular surface chemistries, enabling varied interactions with cells. AI generated definition based on: Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 2005 ...
Microcontact printing(Fig. 12.7) relies on the replication of a patterned elastomeric stamp, usually made in PDMS or silicone rubbers, from a master to form an elastic stamp, that can be inked with a monolayer-forming ink using either wet inking or contact inking. This inked stamp is then ...
Microcontact printing(μCP) is a newly developed technology on microfabrication. 微接触印刷术是一种纳米器件制备的新方法 ,能在金、银、硅片、陶瓷等基材表面印刷出纳米 -微米量级的精细结构 ,印制导电高分子微电路 ,以及制作三维结构微制品。 2.
Microcontact PrintingMicrocontact printing ( 渭CP) is a useful technique for transferring certain molecules onto surfaces with high spatial resolution using elastomeric stamps. The stamp for 渭CP is fabricated by replica...Yunyan XieXingyu Jiang
microcontact printingspill-lessthiol-functionalized ionic liquidsLab-on-a-chip systems have gained significant interest for both chemical synthesis and assays at the micro-to-nanoscale with a unique set of benefits. However, solvent volatility represents one of the major hurdles to the reliability and...