The Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy is most common and the most severe of the muscular dystrophies, where the signals and symptoms are more severe with faster evolution, death can occur around the 2nd or 3nd decade of life. Currently, the in... MM Freitas,ARC Santos,DDC Maia,... 被引量: 1...
These results suggest that knockdown of SELENOP and TXNRD1 by ZIKV in fetal brain, possibly antisense-mediated, could mimic SELENOP knockout, thereby contributing to neuronal cell death and symptoms similar to the genetic disease PCCA, including brain atrophy and microcephaly....
1,11-13 To our knowledge, most of the previously reported neonatal microcephaly cases (eg, birth head circumference less than the third percentile for sex and gestational age14) were associated with the manifestation of ZIKV infection symptoms in the first trimester of pregnancy.1,2,5 ...
Zika virus (ZIKV) infection in pregnant women has been established as a cause of microcephaly in newborns. Here we test the hypothesis that neurodevelopmental stages when the brain is undergoing rapid growth are particularly vulnerable to the effects of ZIKV infection. We injected ZIKV intracranially...
The clinical evaluation performed by the pediatrician who referred the children to the endocrinologist may have missed mild symptoms. As hormonal measurements were not performed in all children with Zika-related microcephaly of MERG-PC, hormonal alterations may have not been detected. If children did...