This collection of articles has not been sponsored and articles will undergo the journal’s standard peer-review process. The Guest Editor declares that they have no competing interests. Guest Editors serve an advisory role to guide the scope of the special issue and commissioned content; final ed...
also restored the serum levels of 5-HT and tryptophan, but with no impact on kynurenine or ILA (Additional file 1: Fig. S3A). Fig. 1 L. reuteri alters the intestinal microbiota composition and microbial tryptophan metabolite. A Differential enrichment of the mouse colonic microbiota in response...
Process. Impacts 23, 491–500 (2021). Article CAS PubMed Google Scholar Jayaprakash, B. et al. Indoor microbiota in severely moisture damaged homes and the impact of interventions. Microbiome 5, 138 (2017). Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Lai, P. S. et al. The classroom...
Nature 595, 91–95 (2021). This article drives home the impact of ingested fibre on microbiota composition. Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Galvez, E. J. C. et al. Distinct polysaccharide utilization determines interspecies competition between intestinal Prevotella spp. Cell Host...
Scurt, ... Christos Chatzikyrkou, in Journal of Autoimmunity, 2022 16.1 Nasal microbiome Changes to the nasal microbiome of vasculitis patients, especially at the time of active disease, have been described by several research groups, but the results published here vary widely [355–358]. ...
The influence of microbiota in ecological interactions, and in particular competition, is poorly known. We studied competition between two insect species, the invasive pest Drosophila suzukii and the model Drosophila melanogaster, whose larval ecological
Experimental Eye Research, Volume 205, 2021, Article 108476 Konduri Ranjith,…, Sisinthy Shivaji The Microbiome, Ocular Surface, and Corneal Disorders The American Journal of Pathology, Volume 193, Issue 11, 2023, pp. 1648-1661 Michael J. Zilliox, Charles S. Bouchard View PDFShow 3 more art...
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At the maturity stage on June 15, 2021, 60 soil samples were collected (5 replicates × 6 plant accessions × 2 compartments; Supplementary Notes: Method S2). All soil samples were stored at − 30 °C until further use. Additionally, the harvested seeds of each wheat accessi...