for growth. The availability of these substrates depends on diverse nitrogen-transforming reactions that are carried out by complex networks of metabolically versatile microorganisms. In this Review, we summarize our current understanding of the microbial nitrogen-cycling network, including novel processes,...
Microbial nitrogen cycling at the saltwater-freshwater interface. Hydrogeology Journal 18: 187-202.Santoro AE. Microbial nitrogen cycling at the saltwater-freshwater interface. Hydrogeol J 2010;18(no. 1):187-202.Santoro, A. E.: Microbial nitrogen cycling at the saltwater-freshwater interface, ... ARTICLE OPEN Nitrogen cycling and microbial cooperation in the terrestrial subsurface Olivia E. Mosley1, Emilie Gios1, Murray Close2, Louise Weaver2, Chris Daughney3 and Kim M. Handley 1 ✉ © The Author(s) 2022 The nitrogen cycle plays a major role in aquatic ...
(2012b). Microbial nitrogen cycling on the Greenland ice sheet . Biogeosciences 9 , 2431–2442 10.5194/bg-9-2431-2012 [ Cross Ref ]Telling J., Stibal M., Anesio A. M., Tranter M., Nias I., Cook J., et al. (2012). Microbial nitrogen cycling on the Greenland ice sheet . ...
Nitrogen is a key element that’s essential for the facilitation of biogeochemical processes across varied ecosystems. Recent research has added increasing layers to our understanding of nitrogen cycling and shown us that it is not just a cycle but an in
Microplastics are ubiquitous in estuarine, coastal, and deep sea sediments. The impacts of microplastics on sedimentary microbial ecosystems and biogeochemical carbon and nitrogen cycles, however, have not been well reported. To evaluate if microplastics
Here, we examined the role of microorganisms and the potential pathways involved in nitrogen cycling in the snow. Next generation sequencing data were used to follow functional gene abundances and a 16S rRNA (ribosomal ribonucleic acid) gene microarray was used to follow shifts in microbial ...
The Immediate Hotspot of Microbial Nitrogen Cycling in an Oil-Seed Rape (Brassica campestris L.) Soil System Is the Bulk Soil Rather Than the Rhizosphere a... Biofertilizers are substances that promote plant growth through the efficacy of living microorganisms. The functional microbes comprising biof...
[35,36]. Changes in the microbial utilisation of organic carbon and nitrogen can also alter the overall soil microbial community structure [37,38,39], which in turn may impact nitrification. In order to determine if destabilization of soil N-cycling is associated with oak stress and decline, ...
Microbial nitrogen cycling processes in oxygen minimum Zones. Annu Rev Marine Sci 3: 317-345 Oxygen minimum zones (OMZs) harbor unique microbial communities that rely on alternative electron acceptors for respiration. Conditions therein enable an a......