( q CO 2 ; i.e., microbial respiration rate per unit of biomass), amino sugar accumulation efficiency (AAE; i.e., ratio of amino sugars to respiration) and microbial C accumulation efficiency (mCAE; i.e., ratio of total microbial C to total microbial C and respiration), and assess ...
biosynthesized products (broadly defined as ‘carbon use efficiency’—CUE) is a critical step in ecosystem carbon cycling. Microbes metabolize a wide variety of compounds to satisfy heterotrophic demands for carbon (C) and energy, thereby influencing the accumulation/loss dynamics of soil organic mat...
Carbon use efficiency None of the different fractions used for calculating CUE differed between the soils in the N0 treatment (Table 5). This was also true for the ΣCO2C4 evolution. For this reason, the microbial CUE values of millet litter varied around 0.63 (Table 5), regardless of soil...
Empirical evidence for the response of soil carbon cycling to the combined effects of warming, drought and diversity loss is scarce. Microbial carbon use efficiency (CUE) plays a central role in regulating the flow of carbon through soil, yet how biotic and abiotic factors interact to drive it ...
STEVEN D ALLISON (Orcid ID : 0000-0003-4629-7842) Article type : Primary Research Articles Reduced carbon use efficiency and increased microbial turnover with soil warming Running head: soil warming experiment and data assimilation Jianwei Li1, Gangsheng Wang2,3, Melanie A. Mayes2, Steven D. ...
Carbon (C) metabolism is at the core of ecosystem function. Decomposers play a critical role in this metabolism as they drive soil C cycle by mineralizing organic matter to CO2. Their growth depends on the carbon-use efficiency (CUE), defined as the ratio of growth over C uptake. By defin...
Themicrobial ecology, or species distribution of the microscopic community, of wastewater will vary depending on the environmental conditions, a function of wastewater source or stage in the treatment process. Microbial ecology can be used to judge the efficiency of the biological processes; stalked ci...
Emerging multiscale insights on microbial carbon use efficiency in the land carbon cycle ArticleOpen access13 September 2024 Introduction Soils account for the largest pool of terrestrial carbon1and provide essential functions and services to human and natural communities2,3,4. Soil microorganisms occupy...
Soil microorganisms act as gatekeepers for soil–atmosphere carbon exchange by balancing the accumulation and release of soil organic matter. However, poor understanding of the mechanisms responsible hinders the development of effective land management strategies to enhance soil carbon storage. Here we empi...
The belowground rhizosphere pathway (that is, carbon exiting the living root) is theorized to form stable soil carbon more efficiently than the aboveground pathway. However, while several mechanisms have been invoked to explain this efficiency, few have been empirically tested or quantified. Here, ...