Micro-FTIR spectroscopy as robust tool for psammoma bodies detection in papillary thyroid carcinomaThe presence of psammoma bodies (PBs), concentric lamellated calcified structures, in thyroid tissues is considered a reliable diagnostic marker for Papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) and has been ...
【目的】使用傅里叶变换红外显微光谱(Micro-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, micro-FTIR)结合X射线衍射(X-ray diffraction, XRD)方法研究2个不同品系发育中棉纤维的纤维素结晶度(Crystalline index, CI)变化,验证micro-FTIR法...
1. Micro-FTIR Spectroscopy of Macerals in Coalsfrom the Tarim Basin; 塔里木盆地煤显微组分显微傅里叶红外光谱特征及意义2. Micro-FTIR technique was used to investigate the chemical composition and structures of vitrinite semifusinite and fusinite from Jurassic coal in Northwestern China. 采用透射式...
显微红外光谱仪 (FTIR micro-spectroscopy) www.science.globalsino.com|基于1 个网页 例句 释义: 全部,显微红外光谱仪 更多例句筛选 1. Application of FTIR Micro-spectroscopy in the Tribology 显微红外光谱在摩擦学中的应用 www.ilib.cn 2. New Applications of FTIR Micro-spectroscopy in the Field of Foren...
The paper investigates SYPRO™ Ruby staining in combination with external reflection micro-FTIR spectroscopy, for the detection of proteinaceous media in paint layers on cultural heritage, from unembedded micro-fragments and samples embedded in cross-sections. Combining FTIR spectroscopy with staining hel...
(2010) Characterization of protein in old myocardial infarction by FTIR micro-spectroscopy. J. Huaz- hong Univ. Sci. Technol. 30, 546-550.N. Zheng, T.T. Yang, M. Liang, et al., Characterization of protein in old myocardial infarction by FTIR micro-spectroscopy, J. Huazhong Univ. Sci....
1) FTIR micro spectroscopy 红外显微系统2) FTIR microspectroscopy 显微红外 1. Thermal spectra of liquid crystal,dodecyloxy benzoic acid were collected over a temperature range of 26-150℃ by FTIR microspectroscopy. 利用显微红外光谱技术在宽范围的温度区域跟踪对十二烷氧基苯甲酸相变过程 ,经二维相关...
The sorption kinetics of n-hexane in MFI-type zeolites of different sizes have been measured by means of micro-FTIR spectroscopy. To check for an influence of the Si/Al ratio, n Si/Al , on the sorption characteristics, a sample of silicalite was also investigated. The measured transport dif...
we used synchrotron Fourier transform infrared micro-spectroscopy (FTIRM) to analyse the fine structure of LBs in the brain of PD patients. Our results showed a shift in the infrared spectrum that indicates abundance of a β-sheet-rich structure in LBs. Also, 2D infrared mapping of LBs reveal...
Evaluation of borderline epithelial ovarian tumor aggressiveness is investigated.IR analysis of psammoma bodies present in tumor of different grade was carried out.Differences and similarities in the chemical content were evaluated.The level of carbonate content in psammoma bodies of different tumors is ...