1. 微团簇 原水分子团簇,简称团簇(cluster)或微团簇(microcluster),是由几个仍至上千个原子、分子或离子通过物理和化学结合力组成的 … www.hwcc.com.cn|基于12个网页 2. 小分子团 小分子团(Microcluster) 普通饮用水是不易吸收的大分子团水,中脉活力杯通过磁化、电解、远红外等技术,使之变成渗透性强 … ...
Micro pellets liquid, manufacture and use. 含有微团粒水的培养基和培养物;微团粒培养基和培养物用于细胞,组织和器官维持及生长的应用;在微生物生物技术中的应用. Media and culture containing micro-aggregate water; micro pellets and culture medium for cells, tissues and organs to maintain and grow the ...
商标名称 MICROCLUSTER 国际分类 第32类-啤酒饮料 商标状态 商标注册申请 申请/注册号 17651756 申请日期 2015-08-12 申请人名称(中文) 北京日新康百科贸有限公司 申请人名称(英文) - 申请人地址(中文) 北京市东城区东四北大街107号天海商务大厦B座411室 申请人地址(英文) - 初审公告期号 - 初审公告日期 2016...
Just as a micro-computer is a personal, portable computer, a micro-cluster is a personal, portable, Beowulf cluster. In this special session, six cluster designers will bring and demonstrate micro-clusters they have built using inexpensive single-board computers (SBCs). The educators will describe...
网络释义 1. 金属微簇 metallic中文 ... metallic cementation == 喷镀金属,渗金属...metallic microcluster金属微簇metallic reflection 金属反射 ... www.yinghanhuyi.org|基于17个网页
Inspired by the attack action of torpedoes, we synthesized microcluster (MC) colloidosomes equipped with magnetic-mediated navigation and “blast” systems to deliver hemostats into the cavity of vase-type wounds. CaCO3/Fe2O3 (CF) microparticles functionalized with Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) modified ...
网络释义 1. 酸群组 ...则常带有具致癌性的mir-17-92 微型核糖核 酸群组(microRNA cluster)的放大以及致癌基因PTEN 的缺失。www.docin.com|基于1 个网页 例句 释义: 全部,酸群组 更多例句筛选 1. This microRNA cluster could represent a new therapeutic target for treating tumors caused by Rb deficiency...
Very Early Prescient Experimental and Theoretical Nano/Microcluster-Scale-Physics Root-Cause Ultimate-Origins: History: EMET!!!/TRUTH!!! Siegel[Phys.Stat.Sol.(a)11,45(72)] possibly first experimental nanoscale-physics/metallurgy/ceramics(VS CNRS Mdm.-Pres.resume-claims),following always-seminal Kub...
the environmental behaviour at a firm level and micro-cluster level, building the analysis on Harts model of natural resource-based view of the firm and by using Brown Design/methodology/approach - – A case study of a single wine tourism cluster in Australia is undertaken using mixed methods....
MicroK8S作为轻量级集群,提供了便捷的coredns,网络插件,ingress等功能。项目中发现一次问题如下:1 1.服务之间使用服务名称访问不通: example: 使用serviceA.serviceA-ns.svc.cluster.local:8080 实现互通发生超时; 2.使用cluster IP 也不通: 由于使用svc name 通信的核心机制是使用kube-dns解析成为clusterIP,再由kube...