microG Project A free-as-in-freedom re-implementation of Google's proprietary Android user space apps and libraries. Verified 2.9kfollowers https://microg.org PinnedLoading GmsCoreGmsCorePublic Free implementation of Play Services Java9.5k1.8k...
Java 近期新闻包括来自 JDK 19、JDK 20、微软加入 MicroProfile 和 Jakarta EE 工作组、Jakarta EE 10 更新、Spring 更新、Payara Enterprise 5.41.0、GlassFish 7.0-M7、Micronaut 3.5.3、Hibernate Search 6.2.Alpha1、 Native Build Tools 0.9.13、Project Reactor 2022.0.0-M4、Piranha 22.7.0、PrimeFaces 更新...
The idea of this project is to provide you a bootstrap for your next microservice architecture using Java. we are addressing main challenges that everyone faces when is starting with microservices. This project will definitely help you get an understand about microservices world and save you a lo...
选择Micronaut: Create Micronaut Project以创建 Micronaut 项目。 按照向导提示配置项目: 选择可用的最新 Micronaut 版本,不要使用SNAPSHOT选择选项 选取应用程序类型:Micronaut 应用程序 选择可用的最新 Java 版本。创建此实验时,它是GraalVM EE 22.0.0,Java 17 ...
Project HD Cookbook is an open, collaborative place to gather code for BD-J applications, and other GEM TV platforms. Project HD Cookbook includes GRIN - a framework for GRaphical INteractivity. This framework manages the display of features that are arranged into a show and provides simple ...
Run the following command to create a new directory for your micro frontends project: take micro-frontends-jhipster # mkdir micro-frontends-jhipster && cd micro-frontends-jhipster if you don't have to take installed Download both the ...
For more information about the DTLS server support, refer to the SSL Extensions API specification. Java ME Embedded Emulator and Device Connections Manager support headless mode LUI pluggable driver for a text display Exporting a Java ME project as a standalone Ant, Maven, and Gradle projects ...
Demo project Build To build MicroStream you need Java 11 and Maven. Just run mvn install Contribute If you want to contribute to MicroStream, please read our guidelines. Links Website: https://microstream.one Twitter: @microstreamOne Stackoverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/tags/microstream...
Adds navigation, auto-completion and inspections specific to the Micronaut framework. Features: New project wizard. Coding assistance: code completion, inspections, line markers in Java code. Autocompletion for YAML/Properties configuration files. Run co