Since HP ALM/Quality Center was acquired by Micro Focus (and now Open Text), users have been outgrowing its functionality. While HP upgraded many of its solutions to be more compatible with Agile and to support automation, ALM/Quality Center was left behind. What was once considered a best-...
Micros Focus ALM & Quality Center,以前称为 HP ALM Quality Center,是软件质量管理。这种强大的集成可以实时交换业务需求、测试用例、开发和 QA 周期等信息。它还为质量保证团队提供了记录缺陷并与开发团队共享的能力。 通过在单一平台中访问版本控制和管理需求记录历史记录,从而提高协作、生产力和透明度。 从Micro...
Helix ALM和Micro Focus ALM对比页面从功能、价格、点评为您详细介绍了Helix ALM和Micro Focus ALM哪个好,好用,区别,对比,优缺点,便于您更好的了解产品。
xlreleasehpalmalmxlrmicrofocusmicrofocus-alm UpdatedAug 4, 2021 Python AutoIt UDF wrapper for 'Attachmate/MicroFocus Extra!' 3270 terminal emulator. emulatorterminalextraautoitudfmicrofocus3270attachmate UpdatedJan 7, 2022 AutoIt Load more… Improve this page ...
ALM/Quality Center T o innovate your business through software, ensuring application quality is more critical than ever. This does not mean achieving quality is easy, however. Micro Focus ALM/Quality Center serves as the single pane of glass for software quality management and enables rigorous, ...
Here is an overview of HP ALM Synchronizer and now Micro Focus ALM Synchronizer: Micro Focus ALM Synchronizer seems to be a very new term for most of us and several questions occur to us when we first see or hear this term. Usually, when we come across a new term, we typically do a...
MicroFocus ALM 17.0 引入了一系列新功能与增强功能,显著提升产品性能与用户体验。在 Web Runner 领域,新功能进一步优化了测试执行流程,增强了测试人员的自动化测试能力。“分析”模块新增功能,为用户提供深入的数据洞察与智能决策支持,助力团队优化资源分配与提升工作效率。Quality Insight 引入的增强功能...
案例ID:159020 技术顾问:橘⃰子⃰大⃰王⃰🍊 - 3年经验 - microfocus 联系沟通 项目名称:QC(MicroFocus ALM) 所属行业:企业服务 - 行业细分软件 ->查看更多案例 案例介绍 HPE的QC,老牌软件生命周期管理软件,使用.NET 和Java开发的 .exe庞然大物,后来改成了可web访问的服务。 我负责QC的CI和CD,并...
Micro Focus ALM同步器是一种用于获取终结点架构错误的工具。它是Micro Focus ALM(Application Lifecycle Management)的一个组件,用于帮助开发团队在软件开发过程中进行错误跟踪和管理。 终结点架构错误是指在软件开发过程中,由于不同终结点(如前端、后端、数据库等)之间的通信问题导致的错误。这些错误可能包括数据...
compile group: 'com.microfocus.adm.almoctane.sdk', name: 'sdk-src', version: '24.3' Introduction A Java SDK that can be used to connect to ALM Octane's REST API. See the Javadoc for more information of how to use the SDK. See also the REST API documentation for more details about...