micro-F1 = accuracy = micro-precision = micro-recall Join Medium with my referral link - Kenneth Leung Access all my content (and all Medium articles) at the price of just one coffee! kennethleungty.medium.com(6) Which average should I choose? In general, if you are working with an im...
d Illustrates the average number of infected vertices from solutions to the master equation for the full Markov chain (exact) and the approximate lumping (approximate). Note the log scale on the horizontal time axis. Full size image In the lumped state-space, the error of our approximation is...
426 parents of United States middle school students, having an average age of 38.799 years, were surveyed. Subsequent analysis incorporated these respondents, including 556% female, 514% white/non-Hispanic, and 561% with at least a bachelor's degree. All parents' middle school-aged children ...
. on the other hand, the statement about the average is stronger because it asserts, not approximate equality, but exact equality. on top of that, the average statement is not limited to the gap measure but holds for any probability measure \(\mu \) . here is the full statement: for s...
Data is presented with raw P value, Benjamini-Hochberg FDR correction, and corrected P value as well as the average read values per group (Additional file 2: Table S2). For quantification via qRT-PCR, gene expression was calculated using the 2−ΔΔCt formula [32]. This value was then...
Given that there are no differences in the average number of MUA firing rates between the conditions that we investigated (Supplementary Fig. 9m), the results are unlikely to be biased by the number of detected spikes. Developmental and behavioral assessment Development On P3, 5, and 7 mouse ...
[22] The average crystallite sizes (Table S2, Supporting Information) are computed using the Scherrer formula (Fig. S8 and Section S5, Supporting Information). The d-spacing (0.30 nm) corresponding to the most intense peak (1 1 1) agrees with the value determined with STEM. A significant ...
So follow the 10:2 rule–move an average 10 minutes for every 2 hours of sitting. Walk around the outside of your building or make a very quick visit to your treadmill. Or put on headphones and disco dance. I won’t tell anyone. Tuesday, May 9: What’s your color...
In practice, the length scale L is the average penetration depth of cells in tissue. The time is measured in years. The units of variables and parameters used in this paper are given in the Table 1. Table 1 Variables and parameters of the model. Full size table Linear stability analysis ...
(TMCs) recall its hot spot due to their many excellent dimensionality and structure-dependent properties. TMCs are mostly interstitial alloys formed by transition metal atoms and carbon atoms. Taking Mo-based TMCs as the example, the β-Mo2C and η-Mo3C2of molybdenum carbide are orthogonal and ...