Micro & Nano Letters: Volume 20, Issue 1 January/December 2025 Previous Issue Export Citation(s)Download PDF(s) LETTER Open Access Study on desorption mechanism and thermal stability of OTS coating as an anti-relaxation material Guodong Liu, Xinxin He, Xiaoya Liu, Donghui Ma, Jun Tang, ...
nanomicroletter算顶刊吗从学术影响力和国际认可度综合判断,《Nano-Micro Letters》可被视为材料科学领域的高水平期刊,但严格意义上的“国际顶刊”定位仍存在争议。其在国内学术圈的地位显著高于国际学术界,属于快速上升期的新锐期刊,但尚未完全跻身传统公认的顶尖期刊行列。以下是具...
micro and nano communities, and the materials and devices communities.Bridging this gap between materials science and micro and nano-scale devices, Micro & Nano Letters addresses issues in the disciplines of engineering, physical, chemical, and biological science. It places particular emphasis on ...
Micro & nano letter 需要校样吗?投稿4.25日通知接受,到现在也没有发校样通知。什么信也没有了,...
Nano-Micro Letters is a peer-reviewed, international, interdisciplinary and open-access journal published under the SpringerOpen brand that focusonscience, experiments, engineering, technologies and applications of nano- or microscale structure and system in physics, chemistry, biology, material science, ...
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Moreover, these silver powders are mainly micron or dozens of nanometer level, but the dimension of several hundred nanometers is rarely reported. It is generally believed that nano-silver materials mainly have problems such as poor dispersion, low conductivity and high price, and micron silvers ...
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