In Epic Mickey, Mickey sacrificed his only chance of escaping the Wasteland to rescue Oswald and Gus from danger, both of whom he had just met. A hero at his core, Mickey takes charge without second thought when trouble arises. In cartoons, such as Gulliver Mickey and Runaway Brain, he...
The Misadventures of Merlin Jones and its sequel The Monkey's Uncle (both starring Tommy Kirk), Emil and the Detectives (retitled The Three Skrinks), Tonka (retitled A Horse Called Comanche), The Horse Without a Head (about a toy horse), and Toby...
Bonny MacLaren Member 11 months ago #40 Getting back on topic. During the silent era Paul Terry not only used a Felix lookalike, he even named the cat Felix! He got in trouble with Pat Sullivan, and in addition to changing the cat's name to Henry, he also changed the...