the first being the Walt Disney anthology television series, initially titled Disneyland. Disney used both shows to help finance and promote the building of the Disneyland theme park. Being busy with these projects and others, Disney turnedThe Mickey Mouse Clubover to Bill Walsh to create and...
Enter stage left, Mickey’s Birthdayland. For the first time ever, an entire land was dedicated to a single character – and not just any character, but the mouse who started it all. Meeting Mickey was no longer a game of chance; it was practically guaranteed. The Birth of Birthdayland:...
A national survey taken in 1990 found that Mario was more recognizable among American kids than Mickey Mouse. Now that’s Mario power. NEAR RIOTS Next up for Nintendo was the Super Nintendo console - and you can bet that Mario would be invited to th...
Check out these fabulous Mickey Mouse and Disney-related party ideas, including free, printable invitations and decorations.