加来道雄[Michio Kaku]:时间旅行可以实现 加来道雄是弦论方面的理论物理学家,同时也是几本物理科普著作的作者,这其中便包括《多维空间与幻想:科学将如何彻底改变21世纪》(Hyperspace and Visions: How Science Will Revolutionize the 21st Century),此外,他还是一个每周播出的电台科学节目的主持人。 近期他接受了《科...
He is also the author of several best-selling science books, including Physics of the Future, Physics of the Impossible and Parallel Worlds. His books Visions: How Science Will Revolutionize the 21st Century and Hyperspace became international bestsellers. An authority on theoretical physics and ...
In , Michio Kaku examines the great scientific revolutions that have reshaped the 20th century-quantum mechanics, biogenetics, and artificial intelligence-and shows how they will change science and society in the 21st century. In Section I, Kaku explores the evolution and development of ...
Michio Kaku,加来道雄(かく みちお,英文名Michio Kaku)(1947年1月24日-)是一位日裔美国理论物理学家。加来道雄出生于美国加利福尼亚州圣何塞,1968年毕业于哈佛大学,1972年在伯克利加州大学获博士学位。最近25年执教于纽约市立大学,还是普林斯顿高等研究院和纽约大学的
Visions 装帧 Paperback 定价 130.00元 作者 Michio Kaku 出版社 Anchor 出版日期 1998-9 ISBN 9780385484992 副标题 How Science Will Revolutionize the 21st Century 目录 1编辑推荐 2作者介绍 3作者简介 4文摘 编辑本段 编辑推荐 Take it easy: that's Michio Kaku's motto. Given the extraordinary advances ...
Random House for High School Teachers | Catalog | Visions by Michio KakuAnchor
Scientists Forecasting More of the Same; Visions. by Michio Kaku. (Oxford University Press, Pounds 18.99). Revie Wed by David LeesonIt might be thought that to forecast scientific developments ten years ahead is foolish; to...The Birmingham Post (England)...
(2014),Physics of the Future: How Science Will Shape Human Destiny and Our Daily Lives by the Year 2100(2012),Physics of the Impossible: A Scientific Exploration of the World of Phasers,Force Fields,Teleportation,and Time Travel(2008),Parallel Worlds(2006),Einstein’s Cosmos(2005),Visions(...