Michigan State University Music School Receives $1M Gift.This article reports on the 1 million dollars donated to Michigan State University's (MSU) College of Music by MSU Federal Credit Union.EphlandJohnEBSCO_AspDownbeat
Main article: History of Michigan State University Agriculture school Beaumont Tower marks the site of College Hall. The Michigan Constitution of 1850 called for the creation of an "agricultural school", though it was not until February 12, 1855 that Michigan Governor Kinsley S. Bingham signed a...
运动学院(School of Kinesiology) 公共卫生学院(School of Public Health) 公共政策学院(Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy) 社会工作学院(School of Social Work) 迪尔伯恩分校 密西根大学迪尔伯恩分校(University of Michigan-Dearborn,简称UM-Dearborn)是美国密西根大学系统的三个成员之一,始建于1959年。该分校...
表演者:Ilana Davidson/Nathan Lee Graham/Leonard Slatkin/Joan Morris/Carmen Pelton/Nmon Ford/Michigan University Symphony Orchestra/Contemporary Directions Ensemble 介质:Audio CD 发行时间:2004-10-19 出版者:Naxos American 唱片数:3 条形码:0636943921623 ...
The Organ Music of Gerald Near THE ORGAN MUSIC OF GERALD NEAR. Steven Egler, organ; Frances Shelly, flute. III/61 Casavant organ (1997) in the Recital Hall of Central Michigan University School of Music. White Pine Music WCD-203 (2 discs); www.whitepinemusic.com. Gera... TA Organist...
The Central Michigan University School of Music is continuing its tradition of showcasing student and faculty jazz musicianship, and this year it will be done through free, live streamed concerts.
密歇根州立大学(Michigan State University,简称MSU),成立于1855年,是一所世界顶尖的公立研究型大学,位于美国密歇根州东兰辛市(East Lansing),是北美顶尖大学学术联盟美国大学协会(Association of American Universities)的成员之一。MSU汇集了世界一流的教师队伍并拥有丰富的设施和资源以及超过200个本科、研究生专业学习课程...
Photo credit by University of Michigan 学术资源中心 在密歇根州,你可能需要参加各种各样的必修课程,因此,有很多地方可以帮助你在课堂上取得成功。如果你的专业写作很重要,记得去 Sweetland Writing Center求救! 如果你正在学习化学或生物学等科学课程,试试 Science Learning Center 。如果你被微积分所困,请去Math...
Master of Music in Collaborative Piano 访问官网 REQUIREMRNT Academic entry qualification A senior in or a graduate of this university or of another institution having substantially the same requirements for a bachelor's degree may apply for admission to a graduate program. Standardized Tests 1.Te...
密歇根州立大学(Michigan State University)是一所位于美国密歇根州东兰辛市的公立大学。密歇根州立大学成立于1862年,是美国第一所依据土地拨赠法案而成立的大学。密歇根州立大学共有约四万五千余名学生和三所医学院。 密歇根州立大学不但是以教育和农业与通讯理论闻名、同时也是包装与音乐治疗研究的先锋。密歇根州立大学...