Chick1, MD. 1Department of Internal Medicine. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. 2DNA Diagnostic and Cytogenetics Laboratories. Department of Pediatrics and Human Development.Background:The microdeletion of chromosome 22q11.2 is the most common human deletionsyndrome. Most deletions occur ...
Filing Date: 05/22/2012 Export Citation: Click for automatic bibliography generation Assignee: Board of Trustees of Michigan State University (East Lansing, MI, US) Primary Class: 436/523 Other Classes: 436/526 International Classes: G01N33/543;B82Y15/00;G01N27/74;G01N33/553;G01N33/569;...
Selzer, M.L. (1971). The Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test: The quest for a new diagnostic instrument. Selzer, M. L., Gomberg, E. S., & Nordhoff, J. A. (January 01, 1979). Men and women's responses to the Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 40,...
The American Psychiatric Associationupdatedthe distinctions ofattention deficit hyperactivity disorderin the “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders” in 1987. Jaron Lanier, founder of thevisual programming lab, coined the term ‘virtual reality’ this year. 1986: Glasnost, ozone hole NOAA...
Later we received a report from the Diagnostic Services at Michigan State University. They identified Sphaeropsis canker (Sphaeropsissp. or spp) as the cause of the die-off. From the limited sample, submitted by the Forest Technician, they could not identify which species it was or even if...
Dong—an Iowa State University assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering and of chemical and biological engineering—calls it a “microsystem instrument.” Put hundreds of those cubes together and researchers can simultaneously grow thousands of seeds and seedlings in different conditions ...
State University working at Hoover Yard, Wyoming Yard, Merriman Yard and Wayne Yard. After graduating from Wayne State, I was hired as a Chemist at the Wyandotte Sewage Treatment Plant where I became a steward for Local 1659 and later became a Committeeperson and sat on the Union negotiating...
deficiencies was quickly reached. Of great value was the fact that much of the Obstetric and Maternal-Fetal Medicine leadership in the Greater Detroit/Southeast Michigan region had trained at and/or served as faculty at Hutzel Hospital/Wayne State University with RJS. This made obtaining ...