PhD, Neuroscience, Michigan State University 2019 Erwin Arias-Hervert Postdoctoral Research Fellow Ph.D., Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2016 BIRDSONG LAB WEST Sweta Adhikary M.D./ Ph.D. Candidate, Medicine & Neuroscience, Oregon Health & Science University ...
Michigan is the tenth largest federal state in the USA and is situated near the northern border to Canada. According to the 2020 census, almost 10 million people live in Michigan, the majority of them on the southern peninsula. Most of the people live in the greater Detroit area in southeas...
Michigan State University (MSU) is a public research university in East Lansing, Michigan USA. Founded in 1854, it was the pioneer land-grant institution and served as a model for future land-grant colleges in the United States under the 1862 Morrill Act. Its alumni include at least six win...
We'll never be able to ask a dog what he dreamed about last night, but evidence suggests that they do. Humans dream when in a state calledrapid eye movement (REM) sleep, anddogs show the same sort of brain activity during sleep.So when they're twitching, foot paddling, and making noi...
We'll never be able to ask a dog what he dreamed about last night, but evidence suggests that they do. Humans dream when in a state calledrapid eye movement (REM) sleep, anddogs show the same sort of brain activity during sleep.So when they're twitching, foot paddling, and making noi...
The best essays don’t just tell admissions teams what you care about, they tell readers why you care, and also don’t just state which strengths you have, but also explain how they come together to create a complete person. Telling your story as comprehensively as possible will ensure ...
So-calledarmchair revolutionarieschooseclicktivismto state their cases on social media. Astudyby Richard Bribiescas at Yale University suggests women are more attracted todad bods. 2016: Humblebrag, photobomb Brent Schumacher // Flickr 2016: Humblebrag, photobomb ...
Americans are just partial to certain things, and when it comes to products and foods they use, they're pretty brand loyal. When it comes to the Mitten state, there's no doubt that Michigan has its fair share, and then some, of homegrown brands make our state even better. ...
suddenly and violently exposed. Since the small park had just celebrated its grand reopening just a few months before, after an extensive restoration project, officials decided to put the falls' fate in the hands of nature's will—and not try to return it back to its pre-tornado state. ...
There are tons of smaller airports spread out across the state of Michigan, including Lansing, Kalamazoo, Marquette and even Flint! The two major that service out of state flights tend to be Detroit or Grand Rapids, however, Lansing and Kalamazoo also welcome flights from around the country as...