Alberto Perez-Medina, PhD Postdoctoral Fellow PhD, Neuroscience, Michigan State University 2019 Erwin Arias-Hervert Postdoctoral Research Fellow Ph.D., Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2016 BIRDSONG LAB WEST Sweta Adhikary M.D./ Ph.D. Candidate, Medicine & Neuroscience, Oregon Health & Sc...
Andary, MD (Michigan State University, College of Osteopathic Medicine, East Lansing, MI); Donald Green, MS; Verne D. Hulce, PhD; Joseph J. Pysh, DO, PhDShow moreShow less Choose an option to locate/access this article: Check if you have access through your login credentials or your ...
We are looking for graduate students passionate about biomedical research to join the lab. We accept students from PhD programs inPharmacologyandCellular and Molecular Biologythrough theProgram in Biomedical Sciences (PIBS)of the University of Michigan Medical School as well as the University of Michiga...
Howard Markel, MD, PhD howard@ umich. edu Center for the History of Medicine University of Michigan Ann Arbor1. US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Global migration and quarantine: technical instructions for tuberculosis screening and treatment. http://www. cdc. gov/ncidod/dq/panel....
(1) there is a large, unmet mental health need in the Flint community 5 years after the onset of the water crisis and (2) this need for mental health services is unlikely to remit without a comprehensive, systematic, and coordinated response from the local, state, and federal governments ...
“In 30 years there has never been a better state wide project to improve Urologic care. I have nothing but respect and appreciation for the work you, your colleagues and the state wide urologists are putting in to this.” Margaret Pearle, MD, PhD ...
Umich EECS的课个人感觉比较偏重理论,大部分advanced的课都是从数学入手的,可能这样的课更能为research和phd服务。 Umich ECE的选课我觉得还是也很不错的,所有CSE的研究生课和一部分CSE本科生课都可以随便选,然后还有一部分的CSE本科生课可以填表选,再加上School of Information(SI)的一系列实用而且workload又小的...
MSU CHM’s dean, Aron Sousa, MD, characterizes the curriculum as having robust clinical experience in each year of medical school, and academic content organized by chief complaint rather than organ system or discipline. Michigan State University College of Human Medicine 2022-2023 applicati...
Elected state school board memberPamela Pugh(D) is a public health scientist who holds a PhD in the field. Pugh first lost a primary for the State House in Saginaw in 2010, but was nominated by convention and won a low-profile general for a statewide-elected state school board seat in ...
Michigan consists of two peninsulas that lie between 82°30' to about 90°30' west longitude, and are separated by the Straits of Mackinac. The 45th parallel north runs through the state—marked by highway signs and the Polar-Equator Trail—along a line including Mission Point Light near ...