The application deadline for the online MBA programs at University of Michigan--Ann Arbor (Ross), a public school, is rolling. Ninety-six percent of students are already employed when they first enroll. For these programs, the majority of the online classes are recorded and archived. Students...
其實Ross 是一所喜歡台灣學生的學校,相較其他 top 15 商學院,Ross 的平均台灣錄取者數目多一些,原因是校友也非常的挺台灣申請者,學校在台灣也常舉辦單獨的招生說明會,過去也常贊助台灣 MBA 高峰論壇(台灣最大的MBA盛會)。錯過前幾年台灣 MBA 高峰論壇的申請者,一定要上網做足功課,越瞭解學校,越能寫出好的 ess...
Full-time MBA, Part-time MBA, Executive MBA, Specialty Masters, Online Programs Visit School Website Ann Arbor, MI, 48109-1234 Work at this school? Claim it here University of Michigan--Ann Arbor (Ross) 2024 Rankings University of Michigan--Ann Arbor (Ross) is ranked No. 12 (tie) out...
今年Ross的career goal essay同往年一样风格依然短小精悍,题目问了两个方向:首先要表明"What"- 也就是短期目标,再回答“why”,展示为什么是这个短期目标是适合你的,解释清你认同的缘由。 有些申请人第一次写Ross career goal essay的时候,会写的比较模糊,这个要避免。在表述短期目标的时候,建议大家清晰表明目标行...
Ross doesn’t provide a word limit for this essay, but you should keep your response short. For expert guidance with your Michigan Ross MBA application, check out Accepted’sMBA Application Packages, which include comprehensive guidance from an experienced admissions consultant. We’ve helped hundreds...
The Michigan Ross full-time MBA is an active, rigorous approach to becoming a leader who makes a positive difference in the world. Nothing prepares leaders like real experience. At Michigan Ross, you’ll find more opportunities to learn business by doing business than at any other MBA program...
第一轮面试,选择在ANN ARBOR的on campus面试。面试官是个二年级的学生,外籍,人有点腼腆,比较nice。 面试只有30分钟,主要问题如下: go through resume 组建团队 本人在海外工作的感受 career goal why Ross 感觉不是很常规,因为面试官对我的经历很好奇,所以前面花了好长时间听故事。到后面问了几个规范问题,但时...
如何在极短的篇幅内展现出自己的风采,成为完成Ross文书的最大挑战,我们一起来看。 我们先来对比下两个申请季文书题目的变化。 首先是short-answer questions 比 2019 Entry 的文书题目少了一组(所以字数也少了100字),但文书题目其实并没有换,只是把原来第三组的两个题目分别放到了第一、第二组,从六选三变成了...
问题: Go through Resume Why MBA/school/now Career Goal Proudest achievement and learning Project finished without experience Ideas or initiatives that influence others Work finished in an intense deadline Your contribution to Ross Questions for me ...
1. Walk through your resume (非常地仔细)2. CG 3. Why MBA?4. Why now?5. Why Ross?6. ...