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Over the last fiscal year, the city has received more than $1.4M from the OLG - and more than $35M in total since the casino opened its doors in May 1999 The City of Sault Ste. Marie will be receiving a quarterly payment of over $360000 for hosting the local Gateway Casino. The fo...
” The Treasury may therefore decide to follow a non-precedential decision that is adverse to the Treasury in other cases, a policy known as acquiescence. Beginning with its May 2016 quarterly newsletter, the Treasury will publish a list of final (i.e., unappealed), non-binding, adverse ...
It has been brought to our attention that approximately 360 retirees that are receiving a monthly pension payment from the Wayne County Employees Retirement System have not responded to the request for a signature verification (form attached). We have been told that if the form has not been retu...