Native grasses and sedges play a crucial role in stabilizing the Michigan shoreline and providing habitats for local wildlife. In the Great Lakes region, these hardy plants are well-adapted to the climate, making them resilient and low-maintenance. Among these native species are cotton grass, wo...
you want hostas. That’s what grows in shade gardens.” Well, if you go out in the woods in Michigan you will find many flowers, but no native hostas. Native to China and Japan, hostas are wonderful shade plants. Used in combination with other shade plants, or using 2 to 3 different...
low-growing grass, according The concern around this plant is that it can produce 100 to 1,000 seedsper plantallowing it to spread rapidly and potentially push out native plants. Learn how to identify ithere.
“The yard is entirely Michigan native plants, meant to be low-maintenance. We pulled out any non-native plants early on,” they mention. When it precipitates, the roof drains into a main cistern used to water the backyard. Behind the house the wooded lot features a sunken patio, a seren...
Meaning, it's not a full-blown invasion just yet. It's a delicate, low-growing grass, according The concern around this plant is that it can produce 100 to 1,000 seedsper plantallowing it to spread rapidly and potentially push out native plants. Learn how to identify i...
In general, they do good things for garden soil. In the forests, however, worms eat the duff in as little as two years, lowering the soil’s acidity and making nutrients more available. The plants in our forests survived in the poor fertility and the high acidity of our original native ...
and could feel the pure joy and love of the garden radiating from Lynn as she described the new space. She has a passion for native plants and has created an exceptional garden to demonstrate that native plants don’t have to look like roadside weeds. The gorgeous garden is both well plan...
Meaning, it's not a full-blown invasion just yet. It's a delicate, low-growing grass, according The concern around this plant is that it can produce 100 to 1,000 seedsper plantallowing it to spread rapidly and potentially push out native plants. Learn how to identify i...
An invasive plant that kills native plants and can choke off recreational water access has been discovered in two southwest Michigan ponds. Get our free mobile app The Michigan Department of Environment Great Lakes and Energy has confirmed, Hydrilla, considered one of the world's most invasive aqu...
Carotenoid composition in sun and shade leaves of plants with different life forms The carotenoid composition of sun leaves of nine species of annual crop plants (some with several varieties) was compared with sun and shade leaves of seve... B Demmig-Adams,WWA Iii - 《Plant Cell & Environmen...