Within Calendar, there are nine tools:Calendar,Grade Levels,Schedule Structure,Terms,Periods,Days,Overrides,Attendance Periods, andCalendar GPA. While not all fields in these tools are specific to Michigan, some of these fields are critical to ensuring accurate state reporting. These tools and fields...
The Prior Written Notice editor is used to document the notice when the district proposes to initiate or change the educational placement of the student. N/A Medicaid StatementThe Medicaid Statement editor records permission to release student information for medicaid billing purposes.N/A...
To add a new record: Click theNewicon. AThird Grade Retention Detaileditor displays. Select the appropriateSchool Yearfor the record. Enter theDecision Dateinmmddyyformat, or use the calendar icon to select a date. Select theEnd of Term Status. ...
Enter thePrevious Count Dateinmmddyyyyformat or by clicking the calendar icon and selecting a date. This date correlates with the Count Date entered. Student data will report within the date range entered in these two fields. Check theStudent w/o UICscheckbox, if desired. Checking this checkbox...