The monthly maximum that applies to a person’s claim for benefits is the monthly maximum that was in effect at the time that his or her motor vehicle crash occurred. Can I get lost wages claim from a car accident in Michigan beyond the limits in the No-Fault law? In Michigan, to obt...
Can you carry a concealed handgun in a vehicle in Michigan? Yes, handguns only may be carried with a valid concealed pistol license. Without a license, handguns must be unloaded and in a closed case designed for the storage of firearms either in the trunk of the vehicle or, for vehicles...
There’s a very good reason why the auto accident attorneys at Michigan Auto Law can settle auto cases faster and for significantly more money than other law firms: No other personal injury lawyer or law firm in Michigan has had our results helping people injured in motor vehicle crashes. “...
The park began as a national monument, designated by President Herbert Hoover in 1929, and was established by Congress as a national park in 1971. You may also like: Top-rated museums in the U.S. Vehicle and Badlands geological formations Corbis // Getty Images Vehicle and Badlands ...
A Michigan woman, 81, was rescued after being lost in the woods behind her home for more than 20 hours.
In 1956, inflation-adjusted gas prices and absolute gas prices increased slightly from the previous year. As more people began living in suburbs outside of centralized industrial hubs, Americans began using more fuel—between 1955 and 1956, the average gallons per vehicle jumped from 761 to 771,...
As vice president, Harris was the tie-breaking vote for the Biden administration's 2022 Inflation Reduction Act, which includes $7,500 tax credits for new electric vehicle purchases. In an ad airing in Detroit this week, Harris emphasized her biography as a former California attorney general an...
MSP testing, such as the tests performed by the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Dept. These test procedures were essentially done to determine if the car was capable of passing the minimum standard set by the police agency and also focused on estimating overall operating costs of...
As I pulled over to make way for the emergency vehicle, a car in the lane next to me didn't stop and kept driving. The fire truck had to pass them in the right lane and almost clipped the car's bumper. When I got to the stoplight I looked over to see what the deal was with ...
there are manytypesof semi truck accidents that our lawyers have handled, but the most common include: (1) head-on collisions; (2) rear-end crashes; (3) broadside crashes; (4) a jack-knifed tractor-trailer; (5) roll overs; and (6) underride crashes (where a passenger vehicle slides...