My dissertation explains this paradoxical trend by arguing that Michigan's HIV disclosure law does not serve to control HIV as a virus but rather to identify it as a moral infection requiring interdiction and punishment.doi: Alexander Hoppe...
The objectives of the project were (1) to determine the extent to which HIV-positive persons living in Michigan were aware of and understood Michigan's criminal HIV exposure law, (2) to examine whether awareness of the law was associated with seropositive status disclosure to prospective sex ...
In most cases, short periods of probation from 3 -6 months can be obtained. In addition to probation, the Judge will require HIV testing and attendance of a class regarding impulsive conduct/decisions.The Judge has the final word regarding the terms of sentence for a criminal case. However, ...
Sociology of lawConceptualizes the criminalization of sickness as a form of social control.Analyzes application of Michigan's felony HIV disclosure statute.Like in 33 states, sex without disclosure is a crime in MI for HIV-infected.Argues law does not promote public health; it punishes badness....
The objectives of the project were (1) to determine the extent to which HIV-positive persons living in Michigan were aware of and understood Michigan's criminal HIV exposure law, (2) to examine whether awareness of the law was associated with seropositive status disclosure to prospective sex ...
Hoppe T. Disparate risks of conviction under Michigan's felony HIV disclosure law: an observational analysis of convictions and HIV diagnoses, 1992-2010. Punish Soc. 2015;17:78-93.Hoppe, T. A. (2015). Disparate risks of conviction under Michigan's felony HIV disclosure law: An observational...
Controlling the Criminally Sick: A Systematic Analysis of HIV Disclosure Trial Court Cases in MichiganHoppe, Trevor Alexander