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and the Summer Free Fishing Weekend is an excellent time to hit the water," said DNR Director Keith Creagh. "Aside from being one of our state's most time-honored traditions, fishing also is an inexpensive and easily accessible outdoor activity for people of all ages. There's no better ...
I cannot be everywhere at once,so I need your e-mail reports aboutwhat's growing, blooming, drying up, flooding, freezing, snowing, etc. Please e-mail with reports as often as you are able. Eventually, participants can coincide calls with other events.Steady as She Goes...
Today, Michigan hunters are headed out into the woods to kick off the state’s 2024 firearm deer hunting season! The Michigan Dept. of Natural Resources (DNR) has put together a webpage of resources to help hunters have a successful season — find licenses, regulations,... read more Uplift...
Since the preference point system wasinitiated, 62-67% of the applicants applied for a bear hunting licenseduring consecutive years. In 2002, 57% of the resident applicants with 2 preference points received a bear hunting license, 29% of the residentapplicants with 1 preference point obtained a...
Ring-Necked Pheasant and Northern Bobwhite Quail Status in Michigan, 2002Quail Whistling SurveyA total of 25 quail whistling surveys were completed in 2002. The overall mean index was 4.5 quail heard per route. In 2001 the overall mean index was 2.2 quail heard per route. Comparison of 24 ...
Quail Whistling SurveyA total of 23 quail whistling surveys were completed in 2003. The overall mean index was 4.4 quail heard per route. Comparison of 21 routes conducted in both 2002 and 2003 revealed no statistically significant changes from 5.1 to 4.5 quail heard per route (paired t=-0.47...
About 58% of furtakers captured at least one marten. Thegreatest number of martens were captured in Ontonagon (40 martens), Gogebic(30), Marquette (28), and Baraga (17) counties. Compared to 2000, the number offurtakers trapping marten declined 18%, and the number of days that these ...
About 52% of furtakers captured at least one marten. The greatest number of martens were captured in Ontonagon (43 martens), Marquette (22), and Gogebic (14) counties. Compared to 2001, the number of furtakerstrapping marten increased 9%, and the number of days that these furtakers ...