This is not intended to be comprehensive, so please stay tuned for more information from the DNR and the new 2018 Hunting Digest. Wildlife Conservation Order Amendment No. 12: The CWD Management Zone was created to include 16 counties: Calhoun, Clinton, Eaton, Gratiot, Hillsdale, Ingham, ...
Maps - find information on and get directions to Michigan state forest campgrounds, state parks, boat ramps, and shooting ranges. Resources - download and view the latest hunting and fishing digests, weekly fishing report, information on seasons and dates, and other popular resources for outdoor...
michigan ground beetle Ground beetles will try to eat almost anything that moves, including asparagus beetles, cabbage worms, Colorado potato beetles, corn earworms, cutworms and slugs. Local Concern: The brown marmorated stink bug has been shown to affect yields in fruit, nut, legume and vegetab...