On August 8, 2024, the Michigan Court of Appeals finally issued their decision in the County’s appeal of the Disability Healthcare coverage grievance. They rejected the Couty’s arguments and affirmed the lower court ruling. The County can request that the Court of Appeals reconsider the decisi...
February 22, 2025 - After nearly eight years of litigation, two appeals to the Michigan Court of Appeals and a prior challenge to the Michigan Supreme Court, Outside Legal Counsel PLC has secured a final order that the University of Michigan violated the Freedom of Information Act. Bay City ...
Filing Date 06/07/2018 Case Status Pending - Other Pending Case Type Civil Right - Other Civil Right Court U.S. District Courts Courthouse Michigan Western District Attorney/Law Firm Details Plaintiff Attorney Robert H. Darling Docket Entries ...
Jay Sekulow, an attorney for the president, wrote in a filing submitted to the justicesthat Trump has a "direct, concrete stake in the outcome" of the case that was distinct from the interests of the state lawmakers and Republican Party of Pennsylvania that initiated the suit. In the case,...
Kaufman,120 the Michigan Court of Appeals adduced the relevant founda- tional provisions of the Restatement (Second), but the case before the court involved a nonfi- duciary power, and the instrument creating the power expressly authorized appointment in 18 Winter 2014 MICHIGAN PROBATE & ESTATE...
of Organization with the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, Corporations, Securities, and Commercial Licensing Bureau, Corporations Division. You can file these formation documents online, via mail, or in person at the Lansing location, along with your nonrefundable $50 filing ...
if the tenant complies with the lender's notice and delivers the rent due to the lender instead of the landlord, the tenant will have satisfied its obligation to pay rent under its lease. This obligation to deliver rent to the lender will continue until the tenant receives a court order dir...