Kalamazoo County Government has partnered with the U.S. Census Bureau, a nonpartisan government agency, to support the 2020 Census. We are working to ensure that Kalamazoo County is represented accurately. We need to make sure that every Kalamazoo County resident is counted no matter their age,...
The center of population of Michigan is in Shiawassee County, in the southeastern corner of the civil township of Bennington, which is northwest of the village of Morrice.[54] As of the 2010 American Community Survey for the U.S. Census, the state had a foreign-born population of 592,212...
Case-crossover analysis adapted from previous Michigan-specific modeling was used to characterize the historical EH-mortality relationship by county poverty rate and age group. Historical EH-associated hospitalization and emergency room visit risks from the literature were adapted to Michigan. In the U....
An understanding of sociohistoric processes, fully considering stakeholder roles, understanding the effect of social inequality on impacted populations, and gaining insight into the ability of impacted individuals to have agency, are important tools to use in acquiring insight into cases of contamination....
Calculated from US Census Bureau data. Cost Reduction to Improve Competitive Position TheKalamazoo County Compactmust be judged to be right about one central point. It is worth trying to revive older urbanized parts of the Kalamazoo region. Economic growth within cities can mean jobs for city resi...
In addition, the increased poverty in Flint also appears to be correlated with the increasing proportion of Black residents, decreasing employment rate, and decreasing levels of educational attainment in the comparison to both the state and the county. Many northern Flint area census tracts are food...
Historically, the rural populations havecultivateddifferent sorts of cultural pursuits than have their urban counterparts. The pioneer farmers channeled much of their artistic energy and cultural creativity into such events ascommunitydances and seasonal county fairs. Today, a wide variety of local fairs...
All cities in the US state of Michigan with populations above 10,000 (N = 92) were initially included in the sample. Population data were taken from the 2010 census, the most recent comprehensive population count [66]. In Michigan, 41.56% of the population live in cities with populations ...