We strive each day to produce only the best honey and bee products for our customers, while working hard to care for our bees, and educating the public about the irreplaceable value of honey bees to our environment. We have fun experimenting with our hon
Jonny bee goods offers 100% pure raw honey from West Michigan, and raw orange blossom honey from Central Florida. All made by our bees, and hand-bottled with love. Stop by our shop today!
Michigan's current level of food production and its agricultural economy are in jeopardy due to drastic honey bee population declines across the state over the past seven years. This problem should be a priority for policy makers; honey bee losses affect almost everyone in the state because over...
The giant, blooming lilac bush between our cottage and the neighbor’s is humming with life, bumblebees loud as tiny drones busy collecting pollen, honey bees, too, and yesterday an early monarch. Oh how I love the sounds and the smells coming from this bush! I could watch this microcosm...
Our estate mead is made with honey straight from our hives at Sleeping Bear Farms. Check them out! Sleeping Bear Farms Gifts from the Hive Check out BeeDazzled, our sister company, for a delightful array of beeswax products, including candles, balms, salves, and soaps, all crafted with car...
It was found that the mean number of females offspring reaching maturity before the bee emerged in worker and drone cells containing a single mother mite are 1.41 and 2.47 offspring, respectively (First method). When the non-reproducing and male only reproducing females (second method) were ...
Another compares election workers to exotic animals, calling them “extraordinary creatures” who are “matching signatures with an eagle’s eye” and “counting votes with the diligence of a honey bee.” Lead Art: The certification of Electoral College votes for the state of A...
Unfortunately, there has been a rapid decline in pollinator populations over the years due to declining habitats and other factors like pesticides, climate change, and parasites. That's why places likeYpsilantihave become a designated "Bee City" and communities inAnn Arborare participating in "No ...
2 to 3 feet tall and wide. Branches honey brown and so dense that the plant is a significant presence even when leafless in winter. Pink, rose, or white flowers in June and July will repeat in August if the shrub is sheared to deadhead it. Blooms on new wood and can be grown as ...