Robert Michels, the iron law of oligarchy and dynamic democracydoi:10.1111/1467-8675.12494Hugo DrochonWiley
Robert Michels (1876-1936) is best known for his 1911 book Political Parties, which is still a standard reference in political science debates. Michels' work sought to prove an "iron law of oligarchy" that governs the organisational evolution of democratic political parties. The work was closely...
The data suggests that Michels's "iron law of oligarchy," while superficially true, does not hold equally well across both cases. The organization of the West German Green Party, while not completely successful in avoiding oligarchic tendencies, does inhibit leadership domination of the membership ...
The predictions of Max Weber's iron cage of bureaucracy and Michels's iron law of oligarchy failed to materialize in Alcoholics Anonymous. AA has maintained an alternative form of collectivistic-democratic voluntary organization for more... T Borkman - 《Nonprofit Management & Leadership》 被引量:...
As such, he embodied the great political dilemma of his time between democracy and autocracy, which is reflected in his most important contribution to social and political science: the "iron law of oligarchy." This theory elaborated concerns about the nature of elites and democratic organizations ...
Drochon, Hugo
Political Science Breaking the Iron Law| Robert MichelsThe Rise of the Mass Partyand the Debate over Democracy and Oligarchy STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK AT ALBANY Peter Breiner LaVeniaPeter AJrThis is a reexamination of Robert Michels' work Political Parties: A Sociological Study Of The ...
In Polish academic discourse Robert Michels is quite stereotypically regarded only as one of continuators of Vilfredo Pareto and Gaetano Mosca, unambiguously associated as "the one from the Iron Law of Oligarchy". Little-known is a fact, that in the United States Michels is not only considered...
Robert Michels(born Jan. 9, 1876, Cologne—died May 3, 1936, Rome) was a German-born Italian political sociologist and economist, noted for his formulation of the“iron law ofoligarchy,” which states that political parties and other membership organizations inevitably tend towardoligarchy,authorita...