This package incorporates portions of the MIMS R functions written by Hilary Madinger and Bob Hall,available on Hilary Madinger's website. Click on theGet startedtab above to read through the how-to guide. Crunch data in 5 lines of code or less ...
Getting to carnegie hall: Novel timed homework practice to develop basic circuit analysis skills Undergraduate education in electrical engineering can be improved by drawing on research on human learning and cognition. One main result of this research is that frequent practice and self-testing are effe...
25. Hall, R. E., Lee, C. S. L., Alexander, I. E., Shine, J., Clarke, C. L., and Sutherland, R. L. (1990)Int J Cancer46, 1081-1087 26. Muller, D., Rehbein, M., Baumeister, H., and Richter, D. (1992)Nucleic Acids Res20, 1471-1475 ...