Luis García FanloUniversidad del Atlánticohist caribe
An interview (fragments) between Michel Foucault and four activists of the Revolutionary Communist League, members of the cultural column of the Red daily newspaper (in July, 1977) This article publishes the fragments of an interview with Michel Foucault realized in1977...
For more information see Showing a limited preview of this publication: BassoDie daseinsanalytische Anthropologie beimjungen Michel FoucaultEin unveröffentlichtes Manuskript der 1950erJahreI. „Un philosoph...
This article explores one of the most incidental, and thus least studied, equivocations in Michel Foucault's work: his understan-ding of slavery in relation to his conceptualizations of power, domination, resistance and freedom. The article also considers the heuristic value of these equivocations ...
Contribuies de Michel Foucault e Paulo Freire para a educao popular (Contributions from Michel Foucault and Paulo Freire towards popular education)doi:10.14244/198271993561Francikely da Cunha BandeiraMaria Lígia Isídio AlvesGildivan Francisco das Neves...