Major Adams is a brilliant woman and dedicated soldier, and as such, she continues to push the boundaries in order to get her unit orders to be shipped to the war effort in Europe. When it comes to the attention of President Roosevelt (Sam Waterston) and First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt (Susa...
I rushed out to buyCyclogeographya few months after it was published in 2015 and it has been winking at me ever since, edging its way up my pile of unread (yesIwillwillabsolutelygettoyou) books on the shelf by my desk. It must be the power of Ubu Roi’s pataphysics that finally to...
Harry Mulliken and Edgar Moeller had both been born in the early 1870's. They met as students and each graduated from Columbia University's School of Architecture in 1895. Before joining forces in 1902, Mulliken had worked with the Chicago architect Daniel H. Burnham and then the New York d...
Strikingly modern and inherently beautiful, Karl Blossfeldt's photographs of plants, flowers and seed heads are as appealing today, as they were when they were first introduced to the public in his two landmark books Urformen der Kunst (Archetypal Forms of Art), 1929 and Wundergarten der Natu...
(Quoted in Michael Talbot, The Holographic Universe, HarperCollins, New York, 1991, p. 271.) “I would say that in my scientific and philosophical work, my main concern has been with understanding the nature of reality in general and of consciousness in particular as a coherent whole, ...
Canada has launched a" invasion of SON, floodii the U.R. in a wavs of reverse colooialisnl. The paintings of Ivan Byre wm being exhibited at the Talbot F&e Centre in Edinburgh; there was a" exhibition on recent trends in Quebec literature at the university library here; down swth,...
English scientistWilliam Henry Fox Talbotsuccessfully demonstrated anegativephotographic process that theoretically allowed unlimited positive prints to be produced from each negative. As photography was innovated and refined over the next few decades, it became possible to replace the phase drawings in the...