13.) “Sometimes I’ll start a sentence and I don’t even know where it’s going. I just hope I find it along the way.”–Michael Scott 14.) “Sometimes you have to take a break from being the kind of boss that’s always trying to teach people things. Sometimes you just have t...
But it was second sentence in that passage from Pressburger that clarified everything for me. It was the enthusiasm of an amateur– thatstupid courage, as I put it yesterday– that brought me there. It was the excitement of just doing work that I wanted to see and wasn’t finding elsewhe...
The sentence quoted above was in the last draft of the article thatQuantashowed me, but it did not make the final cut. (And the editors also disregarded my invitation to use the photo reproduced above, which better conveys my mixed feelings about the whole business than the photo they did ...
She made no defence, admitting her actions, and was ordered to beexecuted by firing squadat 6am on 12 October, less than ten hours after sentence was passed. The night before her execution she told the Anglican chaplain, Reverend H. Stirling Gahan,[4]who had been allowed to see her and...
That second mouse’s cheese is not all the sweeter were a writer to assume they could learn from the technological mistakes of others, but erm nope, simply not true, but you’ll have to buy my next book to find out exactly why and what this sentence really means. Now.. enough with ...
The use of the word “facet” in the above sentence is not incidental, as we’ll soon see. For me, having been a new age music journalist and magazine columnist for over 35 years, I’m quite familiar with Uma’s music, and the 18 albums she has released since the early 1980’s. ...
Before the sentence was handed down, the judge had to decide whether the shooting amounted to second-degree murder or manslaughter. Norton found that it was murder. Scott was running from Slager following the traffic stop when the two struggled over Slager's Taser. ...
One of those very writers, Mindy Kaling, had Michael Scott on the brain on Tuesday, posting a simple, one-sentence tweet about her former boss. Mashable Top Stories Stay connected with the hottest stories of the day and the latest entertainment news. Sign up for Mashable's Top Stories new...
The sentence about the Singapore golf club at the top comes to mind. Share this: Post Loading... Posted in Decisions, Politics, Tools | Tagged Alan Kay, Bret Victor, checklists, EU referendum, George Mueller, Gigerenzer, Michael Nielsen, NHS, PARC, Vote Leave | 13 Comments ...
Note: Michael Arrington has updated and made changes to the original article which removes the below quote sentence in bold. This for me was the part that I felt he overstepped the line on. It's good to see Michael regain composure and do the appropriate am...