影视 影视剪辑 影视剪辑 欧美 the office Michael Scott 美剧办公室 MaxMo_ 发消息 接下来播放 自动连播 美剧办公室试镜 Casting KurtPatrick 1.7万 162 【美版办公室】第一季青涩卡司考古!记者尴尬试镜,卡司...不太高兴 briemiva 3652 0 【熟】John Krasinski:与Jim的关系|长篇剧中的角色把握|off camera 世界...
The Officerose in popularity. As a result, you can see that a lot of the series’ focus was on Michael Scott. As the series continued to grow, people really began to relate more with the other characters in the office. That’s why you have all those online quizzes like “Which Offic...
First, Scott's leadership prioritizes verbal over nonverbal messages. Second, Scott's approach to leadership emphasizes the authentic dimensions of close relationships, clear purpose, and a caring heart most often with his employees. Scenes from The Office are identified that validate these findings ...
Despite all of his new projects, Carell will forever be known as the lovable, gullible, and obnoxious Michael Scott fromThe Office. Over the years, fans of the series have kept his character alive through the art of memes, and some are so spot-on that they perfectly sum up his character...
Threat Level Midnightremains fun from start to finish. The screening we attended left the audience gasping with laughter even before a bizarre climax involving an exploding hockey puck bouncing off a satellite. Scott seemingly didn’t realize he was working on a comedy all those years. If he ...
Michael Scott is a bold man. So bold, in fact, that he literally photoshopped his face of his girlfriend's ex-husband in a family vacation photo with her kids. Related:The Office: 10 Times Jim Halpert Was Actually A Jerk Obviously, he got called out on it, but to try and cheer he...
#theoffice##michael scott# 之前给michael整了一个HIP meme[融化][融化]刚才发现这个edit一直在手机里,虽然很粗糙但是还是发出来算了,我自己看个乐也好,毕竟现在找乐也很难。别管我啦! http://t.cn/A6oWrluI...
Introducing the World's Greatest Boss, Michael Scott. 1 of 20 Michael remains the captain of the party. 2 of 20 Photo Galleries All Seasons The Finale Gallery | Post Date 05/17/13 Where Are They Now? Gallery | Post Date 05/17/13 ...
Can you imagine working for Michael Scott in real life? I have a feeling that it wouldn’t be so amusing…but The Office was hilarious, thanks in part to these quotes from Michael Scott! Did you enjoy these hilarious Michael Scott quotes?
Show off your love for 'The Office' with this Michael Scott iPhone case, featuring a durable matte finish and anti-scratch, anti-fingerprint protection for your device.