Myers has become one of the most recognizable masked killers in horror history, alongside villains like Ghostface in Scream, who was inspired by the real-life serial killer the "Gainesville Ripper," and Leatherface in The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, who was supposedly based on the "Butcher of Plai...
After lying in a coma for a year, Michael Myers (Donald L. Shanks) awakens and stalks his way back to his small hometown in Illinois, intent on killing his niece, Jamie (Danielle Harris), who has been confined to a mental institution since Michael's last attempt to slay her. Suspectin...
Caitlin Myers is a teenage actress who desperately wants to be a superstar. When she gets the chance to audition for a local B-movie slasher flick, she leaps at the chance. She’s thrilled when she wins the role, though less so when she learns it’s as a bikini babe who spends way...
Johann Myers Johanna McGinley Johanna Stanton Johannes Hartmann John 'Doomsday' Howard John A. Russo John Bach John Barardo John Barnard John Black John Brotherton John Browning John Campanile John Campopiano John Carpenter John Clayton Doyle John Cusack John Deluca John Dyl...
Stalwart Auver; a story of Michael Myers, one of the most notable figures of border warfare and early days along the Ohio River, by Dr. E.R. Giesey.Emmett R. Giesey
Michael Myers is a terrifying character that you wouldn’t want to meet in real life, that’s for sure. However, this collection of free Michael Myers coloring printables for kids showed different sides to him. Some showed his usual look of being a killer, but others showed him partaking ...
Over on theTransformersLive Fan Site there are some new concept images of just how Ravage and Megatron will look in the latest installment ofMichael BaysTransformersRevenge of the Fallen. They both look pretty cool, check em out.Michael Baya couple weeks ago announced on his blog that the prod...
Michael Flynn. Interprete: Halloween 4 - Il ritorno di Michael Myers. Michael Flynn è nato il 28 settembre 1947. Luogo di nascita: Usa. È conosciuto come attore e produttore. È celebre per aver partecipato a Halloween 4 - Il ritorno di Michael Mye
Micheal Myers is my fave. What I didn't realize about Micheal Myers is that the inspiration for the character was a boy in a Kentucky mental institution.
If there's one thing a slasher movie franchise needs, it's an instantly recognizable slasher. "Halloween" hasMichael Myers, "A Nightmare on Elm Street" hasFreddy Krueger(inseparable from actorRobert Englund), "Friday the 13th" hasJason Voorhees, and "Scream" hasGhostface. Unlike the other sla...