Michael Lewis: I realized I had an ambition for the book. I saw it as kind of letter to the jury. I mean there's gonna be this trial. And the lawyers are gonna tell two stories. And so-- there's a story war going on in the courtroom. And I think neither one o...
Michael Lewis’ latest book, ‘Flash Boys: A Wall Street Revolt,’ tells the story of the Canadian banker who uncovered the underhanded and illegal practices carried out by some high-frequency traders on Wall Street. Getty Images Suddenly, however, important market participants have begun to speak...
FTX.Bankman-Fried is currently being held in a Brooklyn detention center prior to the start of his trial on federal fraud charges, due to begin this coming Tuesday, Oct. 3.While reporting on the book, Lewis interviewed numerous people, including Bankman-Fried and his parents Barbara F...
迈克尔·刘易斯(Michael Lewis) 管理 / 金融/投资 · 19.2万字更新时间:2018-08-14 10:01:11开会员,本书免费读 > “说谎者的扑克牌”是华尔街上金融家们玩的一种休闲游戏,以善于欺骗他人而实行心理欺诈为胜。迈克尔·刘易斯将此作为隐喻,描述了自己在所罗门兄弟公司四年的工作经历,并从迈克尔·刘易斯的个人...
Sian Astor-Lewis SILENT NIGHT SMALL TOWN HERO SORORITY Spencer Collings Sport Stefan Boehm Stephen Odubola STRIKE Stu Bennett Suki Waterhouse Supernatural Horror Tara Fitzgerald THE ANGEL OF AUSCHWITZ THE ASCENT THE BANISHING THE BARGE PEOPLE THE CURSE OF HOBBES HOUSE THE...
QQ阅读提供思维的发现:关于决策与判断的科学最新章节列表阅读,迈克尔·刘易斯(Michael Lewis)的思维的发现:关于决策与判断的科学部分章节免费在线阅读。QQ阅读为您创造迈克尔·刘易斯(Michael Lewis)小说思维的发现:关于决策与判断的科学最新章节在线无弹窗、无广告在线
Oh yes, we are hooked all right, caught by a right hook of the Devil’s playmates who live in ignorance of the truth. A great writer by the name of Lewis Carroll wrote, “Big fish have little fish on their backs to bite them. Little fish have smaller fish and so on ad infinitum....
Michael Lewisis the renowned author of bestselling masterpieces includingMoneyball,The Big Short,Flash BoysandLiar’s Poker.This autumn he is set to release his most anticipated book to date which is likely to be one of 2023’s biggest sellers –Going Infinite: The R...
说谎者的扑克牌 (美)迈克尔·刘易斯(MichaelLewis)著孙忠译.pdf,第 1 页 第一章 说谎者 的扑克牌 那还是在 年 年初 的某个 时期 ,正 是我所 在 的所 罗 门兄弟 公 司开 始走 下坡 路 的头 一个 年份 。我们 的董事 长约翰 古特 弗伦德走 出了位于交 易厅顶头 的办公室