The biopic stars Flex Alexander as Michael Jackson, and follows his rise to fame and subsequent events. The film takes its title from one of Jackson's songs, "Man in the Mirror". Filming was primarily shot in to Calgary, Alberta, Canada. The film originally aired on August 6, 2004, ...
Michael Smith’s work can be found in the permanent collections of The Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal, Musée des Beaux-Arts de Montréal; Tom Thomson Memorial Art Gallery, Owen Sound; The Beaverbrook Art Gallery, Fredericton; The Glenbow Museum, Calgary. Several of his works belong to...
In each of the photographs I have completed in the last two years, traces of “Canadiana” have infiltrated an otherwise American narrative. Michael Jackson has a Canadian body guard, the Professor from Gilligan’s Island drinks a stubby, Jack Bauer (aka Kiefer Sutherland) has a briefcase full...
1971 “West 71”, Edmonton Art Gallery, traveled to the Mendel Art Gallery, Saskatoon, The Glenbow, Calgary, Edmonton, Alberta, Catalogue introduction by Karen Wilkin 1972 “A June Show, Drawings by Saskatchewan Artists” Regina Public Library Gallery, Regina, SK “Knowles-Perehudoff, Recent Pai...
The big clue was when the Sam Payne Award, an honorary in a kilt (moonbtg last ye&s Dons in Tomnto), beachcomber-adman Jackson D&es proved a winning emcee, good- naturedly subverting Shemmn (ToMtg Dirty) Snukal's inane patter about 100 years of theatre lo Vancouver. Pia Shandel-...
Mary McAuliffe, Pres Women’s History Association of Ireland Helen McCormack, journalist and radio producer Catherine McGuiness, former Supreme Court Judge Catherine Phil McCarthy, poet Dearbhail McDonald, journalist Mamo McDonald, Hon Pres of Age and Opportunity ...
In each of the photographs I have completed in the last two years, traces of “Canadiana” have infiltrated an otherwise American narrative. Michael Jackson has a Canadian body guard, the Professor from Gilligan’s Island drinks a stubby, Jack Bauer (aka Kiefer Sutherland) has a briefcase full...