YouTube Videos Your Shopping Cart Save Your Cart Restore Your Cart Meet the Creator of the Mice Ellen Jareckie was born in 1959 in Bennington, Vermont. As a child, she spent much of her spare time drawing. In addition to that, she kept a variety of pets throughout her childhood. These...
YouTube videos require cookies, you must accept their cookies to view.View cookie preferences. Accept Cookies & ShowDirect Link More about it: Navigate the labyrinthian nooks and crannies of a once-cozy attic as a tiny mouse while staying one paw ahead of fer...
Robb:And just as a little side note, one will frequently find themselves de-platformed from YouTube for talking about ivermectin at all. And this is something that they mentioned, they’re like, “Just the fact that we’re going to talk about this, we could end up being...
1. The cat has a self cleaning litter box, but cries that his litter is dirty and has a self filling food bowl, but cries that his bowl is empty. 2. The mice comes out and the cats ignore them. I have tried many different combinations of traits and the cat still ig...
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Yes! I've been playing in these apartments for months and I can say I've never once seen an interaction with the cats and mice in TLC spots. - 11339076
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